Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Abortion Febrilis

Abortion Febrilis

Inkompletus abortion or abortion is accompanied insipiens infection. Clinical manifestations characterized by fever, foul-smelling lokia, pain at the base below the symphysis or in the abdomen, abdominal bloating or tense as a sign of peritonitis.

Int abortion can cause endotoxin shock. Circumstances indicate a state of hypothermia on umumnva sepsis.

basic Diagnosis
A. Anamilesis-Waktil hospital admission may be accompanied by septic shock.
2. Pemeriksami in-umumnva cervix open and palpable residual tissue, uterine or adnexal pain on touching, and smelling fluksus.

Pathogenesis of spontaneous abortion

A. Improve general condition (eg, infusion, transfusion and resolve septic shock if any).
2. Fowler position.
3. Adequate antibiotics (for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria). Uterotonik.
5. Giving antibiotics intravenously for 24 hours, followed by digital evacuation or curettage tumpuI.

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